Deltan Trinity

Focus . Think . Understand

What is Deltanism?

is the best technique to change, or improve, man-made things.  It is also the ultimate political ideology as anything associated with politics, is man-made.

Deltanism achieves fast, effective, and lasting improvement by simply requiring one to Focus, Think, and Understand when making decisions. 

Deltanism will regularly copy-modify-adapt the best -- from around the world -- to speedily produce something better.

It becomes an extremely effective analytical, problem solving, and decision making tool by its apt utilization and/or modification of existing, successful methods, techniques or best practises. 

Deltanism will assist in the achievement of one's full potential by increasing the likelihood of good, beneficial, and right choices, by its way of thinking or mindset. 

Deltanism is the ultimate political ideologiy, as it will inevitably improve(deltanize) key man-made things like a Culture, an Economy, Law, Government, or even politics & ideologies, themselves.

Note: Due to being designed to be as simple & faultless as possible, Deltanism is a man-made thing that has achieved perfection, as it can not be improved further.

Deltanism was created by a New Zealand scriptwriter who needed to explain in his scifi screenplay, "Delta Dawn," how the greatest of all Superpowers (the Deltan Democratic Republic or Delta) could be created. He would find the answer in the best ever improvement technique(Deltanism), and in particular, by improving or deltanizing the National Culture(SuperCulture).

The name Deltanism is based on the Greek symbol "delta," which is used in science to represent change/difference. 

A person that practices Deltanism is called a Deltan, and is typically one who is always looking for better ways to do things.

In Deltanism, a name and concise definition is given to what many have been doing for time immemorial -- improving things for good.


Deltanism is essentially just three simple components -- Focus, Think, Understand -- that work together to produce outcomes that are greater than the sum of its parts.

1 Focus, Goal or Objective

The focus is to change, or improve, something for the better -- if not the best or ultimate.

The focus is always done for Good, never Evil.

The focus serves as a constant reminder to not waiver from the course to achieving the objective/goal.

The concepts of good and evil are crucial to the Focus component, and accepted as fundamental truths. If doubtful of their definition, the second component of Deltanism would be used to determine them.

Note: Focus on the specific facts.

2 Way of Thinking

Deltanism requires a certain way of 'Thinking.'

This involves thinking objectively, rationally, stoically, sensibly, intelligently, logically and reasonably -- how a good scientist should 'think.'

Conceited, biased, prejudiced, irrational and emotional thinking is completely unacceptable.

Being objective, opens one to understand alternative ideas - although you may not agree with them - and is a key part of Deltanism. Nothing is ruled out unless it is illogical, irrational, unreasonable or not sensible -- or simply evil or wrong.

The Deltanism 'way of thinking' also enables one to discern what is good and what is evil -- or at least find the best way of determining them.
Creativity is an important adjunct to Deltan Thinking. The degree of one's creativity is unique to each individual.

Note: Think correctly about the facts.

3 Understanding Humanity

The Human factor always needs to be considered when initiating change, seeking improvement, finding solutions, or problem solving. It will be Human Beings that will implement, and experience the effects of, any change or action taken.

Freewill is the most important part of being Human. Our freewill is also why we do Good or Evil, love or hate, are constructive or destructive, social or anti-social, believe in something or not believe, are happy or sad, angry or calm, open-minded or prejudiced, are concerned about things or not could care less, strive to be the best or settle for mediocrity, are rational or emotional, obey the law or break it ... achieve great wonders, or commit the most horrific and atrocious acts. 

Every human being is imperfect.  This imperfection, combined with freewill, means we can make mistakes, or simply be wrong, with what we choose to do/think. This imperfection means that we don't always get things right(perfect) first time, and as such, nearly anything man-made can be improved(perfected).

Human Nature will tend to favour the 'darker' side of our personally. Every individual possesses the seeds of Good and Evil, and are capable of doing either. Our freewill determines which of these seeds will grow and prosper. Fill your mind full of trash, you are most likely going to act like trash; fill your mind full of good things and you are likely to behave so. But there will still be a natural propensity for our darker side to grow and dominate if we do not fight it, and support our good side. 

Unrestrained Human Nature explains mankind's regular tendency to abuse, pervert, corrupt, misuse or misinterpret many things -- particularly religion, and politics.  They have all allowed their darker side to dominate their thoughts, choices, and actions.

There must be limits to Freedoms & Liberties so that Human Nature is not given the opportunity to dominate.  We all know what would happen to a society if its people were given complete freedom to do whatever they wanted -- if there was no law, and no consequences for breaking them. 

Note: Understand the perceptions of the facts.

Choosing Good over Evil is a key part of Deltanism -- and Component 1 -- and clearly distinguishes itself from the flawed ideologies of Capitalism & Communism. It is not Deltanism if an improvement is done for Evil.

For Component 2, the method of copying, modifying, adapting is taken for granted as the simplest way to achieve improvement. This is done by
objectively, rationally, sensibly, intelligently, logically and reasonably taking the best from around the world to make something better.

Always considering the Human Factor involved with any decision, change or improvement is at the heart of Component 3, and is necessary for lasting success.

Deltanism achieves complete Synergy with its three simple components -- Focus Think Understand. These unified components, working together cohesively as one, is symbolized perfectly with the Deltan Trinity.


Deltanism is the most powerful improvement tool

Deltanism can only do what is good, right, or is simply the best way.

It understands all that it means to be Human, including our freewill/choices. 

It acknowledges the imperfections of mankind.

It accepts the imperfections of many man-made things.

It provides the necessary focus, the way of thinking, and the understanding of humanity to achieve good and beneficial improvements to man-made things.

Cultures are man-made things.

Cultures are essential to societies.

Cultures vary in their imperfections.

Cultures can be good/bad, beneficial/detrimental, constructive/destructive etc.

Cultures can influence the values, beliefs, habits, and motivations of individuals.

We choose what Culture we want to be part of, and the influence it will have on our values, beliefs, habits, and motivations.

Most are influenced by a dominant Culture.

Cultures can be improved.

Behind any great nation is a great Culture -- with fewer imperfections.

Behind any poor nation is a poor Culture -- with greater imperfections.

The differences in successes/failures of Europeans, Asians, Africans, and Polynesians can be explained by the degree of their Cultural imperfections.

Deltanism naturally exposes man-made things that need to be perfected, or improved, for the benefit of individuals and societies.

Cultures need to be perfected or improved.

The SuperCulture is why Deltanism is so powerful.

It provides the means to create truly great things, or even an Empire.

Focus, Think, Understand.

Simple, perfection.


Due to the faultless simplicity of the
Focus-Think-Understand mindset, there will be an inevitable consensus on all major issues -- solutions backed up with intelligent, logical, rational, reasonable, etc reasoning with consideration of the human factors.

Also, Deltanism only deals with improving man-made things of the
physical world. It has nothing to do with spirituality or religions. It is just a technique that can help mankind achieve great things.
